Our technology seamlessly integrates with your existing CRM software so customer and revenue management is never an issue.
Our Live Chat service supports more than 4 languages – the most compared to any other provider – so you can cater to a wider audience.
At LiveAdmins, we never compromise on quality. Our interactive training panels allow for real time greeters’ training so you get the best quality at all times.
With Involve, you can monitor all the chats happening on your website in real time and jump in whenever you feel like.
Our powerful Business Intelligence reports make it easier for you to look at your business performance so you always stay in control.
Our AI interface will re-engage the visitors who visited your website previously and will serve them with more relevant content.
Our Facebook integration lets you talk to clients directly without requiring them to come to your business website.
Be it a desktop, tablet or mobile – our chat windows are fully responsive thereby delivering optimum visitor experience on every platform.
Our ICR system distributes chats based on operator availability, language settings and level of training so visitors always get the best experience.
Our software is fully customizable as per your website design and theme. It also allows you to promote new offers and packages in real time to your website visitors.
Whether you prefer Windows, Mac or any other OS, our software will work seamlessly on all platforms no matter what.
We track every visitor’s location so you can cater to a wider range of audience as per their cultural and personal preferences.
*In order to meet GDPR requirements, data subjects coming from European Union will not be able to enjoy services driven by LiveAdmins Visitor Behaviour Tracking and Business Intelligence.