3 Basic Steps to Deliver Your Brand Promise

3 Basic Steps to Deliver Your Brand Promise

‘Actions speak louder than words’ holds true when it comes to delivering brand promises to your customers. Creating a strong brand is more than just a flashy logo or a catchy slogan. It is a promise, a commitment that you make with your consumers. Everything that a brand believes in and acts on, and every way it impacts the lives of its clients will be underlined as a brand promise. Successful businesses uphold these promises and ensure that exceptional service is delivered consistently throughout the customer journey. Promises become worthless if not kept, furthermore, these negative sentiments will adversely impact brand perception. Here are a few steps that will help you in delivering right on your brand promises:

Identify Your Brand Promises


Primarily, identify what constitutes a brand promise for your business. It may be being available 24/7 or delivering even on holidays. Scrutinize your business inside out to assess your brand promise. Evaluate traits and attributes to have a better understanding. Your brand ethos should be reflected in your business strategies. Similarly, it should be interlinked with your business values, market positioning and plans. Successful brands are unique as they value their customers and impact their lives towards improvement. They make promises that are achievable and realistic. Garnering customer trust requires effort and time. So evaluate your business to pinpoint areas of improvement and list your brand promises in all aspects.

Train Your Employees Effectively


Your employees are points of contact between your clients and your business so make sure they create a strong and lasting impression on them. An important step to ensure the deliverance of brand promises is to properly train your staff. The attitude and actions of your Live Chat Solutions team will be a determining factor for clients as it will let them know how your business values them. Hence, your support staff must be equipped with the necessary knowledge, enhanced on soft skills, and trained to the vision of your business. Involve your teams in every decision taken for the business to get diverse inputs and make them a part of the brand evolution. Prepare and document your action plan to give your staff more clarity and to help them make the right choices.

Focus on Staying Consistent



When it comes to offering outstanding service and support to your clients; the key is being consistent and persistent. A promise means always delivering whenever called out to act on it. Strong customer relationships can only be harnessed through consistency in customer experience. The perception of your business is built through the holistic experience you provide. Such brands are considered reliable and are more likely to create customer loyalty that offers according to the expectations and image they have created.